$1320 + vet and transport.
ASH 167261
Mare Details
Mare’s Name: Reg’d No: Colour:
Sire: Dam:
Year Of Birth: Brands: NS OS
Last year that mare had foal, dead or alive:
PIC number:
Problems that occurred (slipped foal etc):
Mare Owner’s Details
Name of Mare Owner: Postal Address:
Phone/mobile: Email:
ASH member no: AQHA Member no:
Bank Details: BSB 062605 ACC 10131036
Anna Elizabeth Hudson
408 Mt Lindsay Rd, Tenterfield NSW 2372
0421 358 328
Stallion Service Contract
Chilled semen only
This agreement is made between Anna Hudson, Stallion owner, and referred to as the mare owner. This agreement is for the breeding of the mare to Kirkbys Stud Rebound, ASH 167261.
The service fee payable is $1320 inc. GST, The Residual Service Fee of $990 inc. GST is payable on 21 days ppt (positive pregnancy test). All fees include GST. CHILLED SEMEN ONLY.
The BOOKING FEE of $330 must be paid in full prior to shipment of Chilled Semen. All shipped semen collection costs are separate from this contract and payable by the mare owner. The approx vet fees for EACH collection is $280 plus transport to your area.
The Owner warrants that the details on the abovementioned broodmare contained in the Application for Service form are true and correct and that the broodmare shall be healthy and in sound breeding condition, halter broken and well mannered, this fact to be certified by a qualified veterinarian before the mare is served.
The mare owner is to inform Wannalook Stock Horses/ Anna of the result of the 42 day pregnancy scan. A breeding certificate will be issued to the mare owner. Only owners whose accounts are paid in full including veterinary cost will be issued with a breeding certificate.
The mare owner is responsible for the cost of shipping chilled semen. Wannalook Stock Horses/ Anna is not responsible for cost, damage, or delayed shipments.
As much notice is required for shipping of semen, at a minimum of 48 hours. A semen request form must be completed and returned to Wannalook Stock Horses prior to shipping. All breeding, shipping and collection fees must be in full prior to shipping.
Semen must be used to breed 1 foal to the mare and not to breed another mare or breed more than 1 foal. Breeding by embryo transfer using semen which results in more than 1 foal will incur a breeding fee for each additional foal.
A free return (Live Foal Guarantee) is given with return privilege the following season. It is understood that if the foal does not stand up and nurse for 48 hours, that mare owner will be entitled to a return privilege subject to conditions. Wannalook Stock Horses must be informed within a week from death of foal and given a statement from a licenced Veterinarian of the death and that the mare is suitable for re-breeding. If the mare is to be returned and her owner fails to deliver her for rebreeding the following season, any and all fees will be forfeited and the guarantee lapses. No guarantee on the return privilege service. The mare owner must pay all costs aside from the breeding fee.
It is further agreed that should the said stallion be unavailable for any reason whatsoever before serving the said mare, or if the said mare named in this contract dies or becomes unfit to be served, then this contract shall be rendered null and void.
This Contract shall not be assigned or transferred by the owner and in the event that the said mare is sold, the Service Fee and any other outstanding fees, if applicable, shall immediately become due and payable by the undersigned Owner.
When the mare owner signs and returns one copy of this contract with the deposit to Kirkbys Stud Rebound, it will be a binding contract on both parties to the above terms and conditions.
Dated the day of 20
Signed Anna Hudson
Signed for and on behalf of the Owner